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 Periyar propagated the principles of rationalism, self-esteem, women's rights and the eradication of caste. He was opposed to the exploitation and marginalization of indigenous peoples is not a Brahmin Dravidian peoples of South India and the introduction of what he felt, Indo-Aryan in India. His work has greatly revolutionized the Tamil society and it is far from discrimination based on caste. It 'also responsible to bring new changes for the Tamil alphabet. But at the same time, Periyar is also responsible for making conflicting statements on the Tamil language, the Dalits and the Brahmins and the Brahmins to accept the violence. Quote granted UNESCO Periyar described as "the prophet of a new era of Socrates, Southeast Asia, the father of the social reform movement and arch enemy of ignorance, superstitions, customs, meaning and bottom-up

In 1904, Periyar went on pilgrimage to worship Kasi Siva revered in the temple of Kashi Vishwanath. [1], [26] Although it is considered as one of the holiest places of Hinduism, he testified, immoral behavior, begging and floating corpses. [1] His disappointment extends Hinduism functional, in general, when he experienced what he called Brahmanic abuse. [27]

However, one particular incident in Kasi had a profound influence on Periyar's ideology and future work. Instead of worship has been offered free meals guests. For a shock Periyar, he was refused meals on choultries fed exclusively Brahmans. Due to extreme hunger, Periyar felt compelled to enter one of choultries disguised as a Brahmin sacred thread on his bare chest, but was betrayed by his mustache. Gatekeeper in the temple was concluded that Periyar as a Brahmin Brahmins were not allowed by the Shastras Hindu mustaches. He not only prevented the onset of Periyar, but also pushed him brutally to the street. [1]

                    Because of his hunger became unbearable, Periyar was a waste feed from the streets. During this time, he realized that he was denied choultry was built as a wealthy Brahmin from South India. [1] This discriminatory attitude Periyar dealt blow account of Hinduism, for the events he had seen was at hand was a completely different picture Kasi had in mind as a sacred place, and welcomed everyone. [1] Ramasami was a theist until the visit to Kasi, after which his views changed and he became an atheist.


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