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Kuruva Island

Kuruvi Dweep or island group consists of the islands inside Kabini River and covers an area of ​​approximately 950 acres of dense evergreen forest. There is nothing so specific on the island, unless you and the birds singing. If desired, you can simply move around the island, but leave the island before 16:30. Top of the tree huts are available at a rent of Rs 750 / - The island has a registration fee of Rs 10 / - for each person. With a total area of ​​950 hectares Kuruva Island is plenty of lush green forest. Far from the maddening crowds of the city is located in this quiet and beautiful island has an excellent climate for tourists to relax and rejuvenate the mind and soul. The island is also referred to as a Kuruvadweep
                                    The tributaries of the river Kabani is a great picnic spot. Its serene silence and wide expanse of the evergreen forest leaves you astonishing. This island is isolated, but a wide variety of unusual species of birds, orchids and plants are sovereign in the island Kuruvi

Distance:- Just 17 km east of Mananthavady, Kuruvi is a large island 950 acres abundantly rich in forest green. It is far from the turbulence of city life makes it an exotic place for visitors to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is closed during the monsoon season (June to September)


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