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Pazhassiraja Tomb

The 18th century was a time of war by the British in India. In the south, Tipu Sultan of Mysore, who also ruled Northern Kerala was a losing battle against the British. It was then that Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja revolted against the British in Kerala. Their rebellion was not a fight for freedom, but went against the unpopular and unfair tax policies imposed by the British.

 Pazhassi Raja tomb is a monument of Pazhassi Raja was seen as the Lion of Kerala. That was an order of the entire system. Pazhassi Raja held a kind of guerrilla warfare against the British in ancient times and is known for his bravery. In memory of him, his remains were interred in the tomb Pazhassi Raja. Pazhassi Raja tomb is located in the Wayanad district in Mananthavady. He was cremated in 1805 after the war against the British East India Company.

        Pazhassi Raja, who was loved by his people, stopped collecting taxes, and overthrew the British. Raja further threatened to cut all the vines of black pepper in his kingdom, if they continued in the collection of taxes. When the king was popular, they had to stop collecting taxes again. An unsuccessful attempt was made by the British to capture the Raja in his own palace at Pazhassi but he had already fled to the mountains of Wayanad.

Raja went to a guerrilla war from the mountains and Wayanad. The British strategy was to isolate the limit of his supporters, and have succeeded, and he was around in the woods with his wife and a few supporters.Soon, British troops trapped, surrounded and shot the Raja dead in a meeting. With the death of Pazhassi Raja, came in northern Kerala Resistance to an end. His body was brought with respect by the British and cremated.

Genaral Information
  • Pazhassi Raja, who also known as Brave Lion of Kerala (Veerakeralasimham) had his glorious death on 30th November 1805
  • There is a small museum near to the Tomb of Pazhassi
  • 700 m above mean sea level
  • Ghat road with nine hairpin bends
  • Main Attraction: Picturesque Scenery, View Point


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