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Bio-diversity region around 2,132 km square, has a high Western Ghats, Wayanad is one of the few areas in Kerala, which has managed to preserve its pristine nature. Hidden in the hills of the oldest tribes in this country are still intact civilization. And the first prehistoric carvings found at the foot of Kerala Edakkal Ambukuthimala and some evidence of its prehistoric culture dating back to the Mesolithic. Striking natural beauty, is well known for sub-tropical savannah, a picturesque hill stations, sprawling spice plantations, luxuriant forests and rich cultural traditions. holistic confluence of natural history, and culture, Wayanad is situated on the southern tip of the magnificent plateau of the Deccan.

According to archaeological data, the Wayanad (Vayal + Nadu (Tamil / Malayalam)) forests have been inhabited for more than three thousand years. [2] Wayanad was ruled by kings Vedar. But after a prince Kshatriyas (Raja Kumbala), was captured and held hostage in Tirunellai of Vedar, it was invaded and annexed by a combined force led by the Raja of Kottayam and Raja Kurumbranad. King Vedar (Arippan) was killed and most of his subjects were massacred. But, asked Raja Kumbala aristocrat Nair Nambiar Nanthillath to marry the daughter of King Vedar, who survived the massacre. Nambiar has been appointed Moopil Nair Veliyambam Vedar where survivors were relocated. It was decided that Wynad among Kottayam-Malabar and Kurumbranad. Kottayam Raja received the Northwest and the Raja of Waynad Kurumbranad Southeast was awarded Wynad.


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