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Silent vally

 The area is known locally as "Sairandhrivanam" literally, in Malayalam: Forest Sairandhri. In local Hindu legend Sairandhri is Draupadi, the polyandrous wife of the five Pandavas, who disguised Sairandhri, Queen Sudeshna assistant while they were in exile [4] The Pandavas, deprived of his kingdom, located in a 14. - Years in exile. They wandered south in what is now Kerala, till they came to a magical valley where rolling grasslands meet wooded ravine, a dark green river bubbled its course through impenetrable forest, where at dawn and dusk, tiger and the elephant was drinking near the water's edge, where all was harmonious and the unknown. Next to this river in a cave on the hillside, the Pandavas arrested
   In 1983, the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, decided to abandon the project and 15 November in the Silent Valley forests were declared as a national park. On September 7, 1985 Silent Valley National Park was formally inaugurated and a memorial on Sairandhri to Indira Gandhi was unveiled by Sri. Rajiv Gandhi, the new Hon. Prime Minister of India. The September 1, 1986 Silent Valley National Park, designated as core area of ​​the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Since then, conservation efforts in the long term measures taken to preserve the Silent Valley ecosystem


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