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In the lighthouse, the light source is called the "lamp" (power, fueled by oil) and the concentration of light is like a "slow" or "optical". Originally on open fires and later candles, lamps and hollow wick Arganda dish was developed around 1781 in Europe. U.S. whale oil was used as a fixed light source hearts, until Arganda parabolic reflector system was introduced around 1810 by Winslow Lewis. rape seed oil replaced whale oil in early 1850, but U.S. farmers are missing 'interest in growing this caused the service to switch to lard oil in 1850. Kerosene started replacing lard oil in 1870, and the service was finally totally converted by the end of 1880. Electricity and carbide (acetylene) has begun to replace kerosene around the 20th century .The latter was established to promote light Dalen, which automatically turns on the light in the evening and off in the morning.


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