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Arakkal Palace

In the 17th century, one of Padanairs (general) Kolathiri, Arayankulangara Nair, converted to Islam and adopted the name Muhammad Ali.  His wife was the daughter of Kolathiri, and later became known as Arakkal.  Muhammad Ali continues to serve the Kolathiris even after his conversion, and his successors were known as hereditary Kolathiri Padanairs Kidavus mammals.  At that time, many families became economically influential Muslim trader in the Malabar region. When the family took control of Lakshadweep Arakkal, which reached almost royal status  Of all the monuments in Kerala, the historic building is a prominent one Arakkal. Located 3 km from Kannur town, the Arakkal Palace stands out as the only royal residence of Muslims in Kerala.
                           Another famous monument of Kerala, Kannur Fort, Arakkal belonged to the family for some time. Also known as Fort St Angelo, Kannur Fort or Kannur Kotta was built in 1505 AD by the Portuguese called Don Francisco De Almeida. In 1663 AD, the Dutch seized the Portuguese fort, and sold it to the king Ali Raja Arakkal. Later, in 1790 AD, the British took control of this fort and Fort became one of the most important military centers of British Malabar. It is also believed that
there is a secret tunnel that runs underground and sea port Thalessery Fort Palace, located 21 km.
                 According to legend, the second daughter of Raja Chirakkal started to drown while swimming in Chirakkal kulam (a pond). His friends cried and cried, but could not save. Incidentally, the Muslim son heard screaming and came to find out what was wrong. He recognized the girl drowned in a pond of a princess, but hesitates to save it, because the integrity of, and if the lower-caste person touched by the person of higher caste was considered a sin, potentially punishable by death. However, the boy saved him and gave him Mundu (shirt) to cover themselves. When the news reached the limit Chirakkal, called his daughter and the son of a Muslim in him. At that time, if a man gave pudava (long cloth used to cover the body) is an unmarried woman were considered married. The researchers told the court that the border, because his daughter had been touched by a Muslim, he will no longer be allowed to enter the building. However, the boy had given his pudava so he married her.

According to custom Raja had no choice but to give his daughter to the Muslim boy. Raja was sorry to give his daughter to a poor family, so it does the ruler of a boy of his domination. The specific area was known as the boy and his family Arakkal called Arakkal family.

Location :-  4 km from kannur. And 122km from Kozhikode.

Visit to India invites you to explore the tour Arakkal Palace & Kannur Fort in Kerala, which will surely live in your memory forever. Contact us today and we will ensure you enjoy a wonderful journey as Arakkal Palace & Kannur Fort in Kerala in India.


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