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Malik Dinar Mosque

Malik Dinar Mosque is a historical mosque in Kasargod area in Kerala State, South India. Years, Kasargod acquired the considerable importance of the center of Islam in the West Coast. It is a mosque is believed to have been founded by Malik Ibn Dinar. The mosque, Juma Masjid, which is one of the best preserved and most interesting district, based in Thalangara. It contains the grave of Malik Ibn Mohammed, one of the descendants of Malik Ibn Dinar and the place is sacred to Muslims. [1] Another great mosque to mosque is Theruvath Kasaragod, which is located in the city center.

A historic mosque in Kasargod high district of Kerala, was founded by Malik Ibn Dinar. The mosque is the tomb of Malik Ibn Mohammed, one of the descendants of Malik Ibn Dinar, a place had a sacred meaning for Muslims.

The Juma Mosque is one of the best care and attractive mosque in the neighborhood and is in Thalang. To commemorate the arrival of Malik Ibn Dinar a local festival held every year. Many pilgrims from across India came here to participate in this festival.

This is the only survivor of the first ten mosques built by Malik Mohammad Diana and his men after their arrival to propagate Islam. It has the typical architectural style of Kerala. This ancient mosque is one of the best maintained and attractive mosques in the neighborhood. The mosque is the tomb of Malik Ibn Mohammed, one of the descendants of Malik Ibn Dinar. Uroose is the big party here and collect hundreds to take part in the celebrations. The original mosque was a small thatched structure and later his disciples that he is constructed as a complex structure.


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