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Ashtamudi Lake

it is also identified as a wetland, is the greatest water pond in Kerala. The river is known as after the historical Sastha forehead (a pilgrimage center) on its financial institution. It is ornamented by hillsides on every side except southern where a bund has been designed splitting the pond from the nearby grain job areas. The existing area of the pond is 375 ha since large number of the pond is populated for agricu

The river has a capacity to hold 22390 thousand ltrs of water and serves as the source of water for 500, 000 people of Kollam district. The cleanliness of the pond water for enjoying use is attributed to the presence of popular of larva called cavaborus that utilizes bacteria in the pond water. The wetland supports 27 species of water fishes and two genera of prawns. The river is a designated wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Meeting since Nov 2002.

The stream is slowly perishing as a result of many reasons, including escalating decrease in stage and contamination of the pond water. It is seen that large areas of area around the pond have been removed off plants and people are endeavor paddy, plantain and tapioca farming over here. Unlawful sand exploration in Western side Kallada River streaming very near the pond is one of the causes for the fall in the lake's stage. A recent research by the Hub for Earth Science Studies (CESS) had unveiled that the pond was losing its stage at an escalating rate of 1 cm per day. Farming and every day waste materials from surrounding areas coming into the pond cause pond contamination. Other major risks include reclamation of the area close to the pond for agricultural purpose.


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