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Kuthiramalika Palace Museum

The palace was built by Maharaja Swathi Thirunal Balarama Varma - the King of Travancore, who was a great poet, musician, social reformer and statesman. This rare specimen of workmanship in the traditional Travancore style architecture has exquisite wood carvings. The palace museum displays paintings and various priceless collections of the royal family and is located near the Padmanabha Swamy Temple.
                           Part of Putthen Malika was transformed into a Museum of the Imperial Palace, which consists of a portion of assets owned by Travancore royal family. The various elements include, Kathakali models, crystal chandeliers, paintings, weapons, musical instruments, mirrors in Belgium and other artifacts. The court of Swati Thirunal host Malika Kuth Music Festival, held annually in January.


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