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Valiathura is famous for its pier. The stores of 51 years of age-703-ft (214 m) and spring are far behind her in the past, when up to 50 cargo ships used to call here at a time. Opened in 1956 by Dr. Rau Rajapramukh Councillor PS, was the only port on the southern coast of Kerala.

Supported by 127 concrete piles, the pier had four 3-ton cranes and one 10 tons to discharge the cargo ships. From the pier was in shallow water, heavy ships had to anchor in the deep sea and transport their products in smaller boats. With the development of Kochi port facilities for berthing of huge cargo ships, Valiathura lost its importance. He was declared dead port "in the first four years.

The five cranes were dismantled and sold for scrap in disuse and constant exposure to salty winds eroded their structure. Four deposits have been rented to industrial units in the carpet Veli. The tracks used by trucks carrying cargo to the warehouse was oxidized.

The dock, which consumed 571 tonnes of cement and 250 tons of steel, cost about Rs.10 lakhs to build. For now, use the coast fishermen weakened the structure to launch their catamarans in the monsoon months when the hard rough sea makes the beaches inaccessible. Then go into the sea and swim to catamarans.

Waves here rarely drops below 1 m, and often exceeds 4 m during the monsoon season from May to October.


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